08:00 - 08:45 am
08:45 - 09:20 am
Dots and Curves: What histograms and scatter plots tell us
Dr Naveen Kakkar
(Professor, Deptt. of Pathology), MM Medical College & Hospital, Kumarhatti, Solan (H.P.)
09:20 - 09:55 am
Approach to lymphomas
Dr. Sumeet Gujral
(Professor, Deptt. of Pathology), Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai
09:55 - 10:30 am
Curiosa et Exotica: The many faces of histiocytic and dendritic cell neoplasms
Dr. Anita M. Borges
(Lab Director, Centre Oncopathology & Head of Histopathology) SL Raheja Hospital, Mumbai
10:30 - 11:05 am
Liquid based cytology in cervical cancer screening
Dr. Nalini Gupta
(Professor, Deptt. of Cytology & Gynaecological Cytology) PGIMER, Chandigarh
11:05 - 11:45 am
Inauguration & High Tea
11:45 - 12:20 pm
Hodgkin Lymphoma and its Mimics
12:20 - 12:55 pm
Why we classify
12:55 - 01:30 pm
Application of WHO-CNS 2021 in routine practice
Dr. Kavita Mardi
(Professor, Deptt. of Pathology), IGMC, Shimla
01:30 - 02:15 pm
02:15 - 02:50 pm
Best practices in lung carcinoma diagnosis
Dr. Sunita Singh
(Professor & Head, Deptt. of Pathology), PGIMES, Rohtak
02:50 - 03:25 pm
Approach to skin adnexal tunors
Dr. Uma Nahar
(Professor, Deptt. of Histopathology), PGIMER, Chandigarh
03:25 - 04:35 pm
Potpourri of cases
04:35 - 05:00 pm
General body meeting followed by valedictory function
05:00 pm onwards